So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.

Psalm 66:18

If you’re a parent you can probably relate to feeling a sense of responsibility to shepherd your children in the right direction. As Christians, we want to guide our children to fulfill the purposes for which God created them. We know God creates all of us for His glory and he knows the plans he has for us. He also gives us gifts to use for his glory.

When my son was young, I prayed that God would let me know how to guide our son. The answer I heard was “teach him to number his days.” I didn’t know what that meant at the time. This was specific to my son, perhaps to overcome a weakness. I’ve spent the subsequent years trying to teach him to number his days and praying for him in that direction. My husband tries to make sure he reads his Bible and devotional in the mornings. I keep him on our homeschool routine, which is relatively easy because he likes homeschooling. I try to impress upon him the importance of not wasting time and I try to model that for him. Wasting time and talent is a weakness on both sides of the family. I try to keep in mind the fact that none of us knows how much time we have on this earth, so let’s do our best with each day. We discern our son’s gifts and then pray for God to show us how to shepherd those gifts.

However, just yesterday, my focus on this verse shifted from the first part of the verse to the second… “that we may get a heart of wisdom.” The second part of the verse jumped out at me as it never had before. I find it amazing how the Holy Spirit will bring scripture into focus like that. Now we need to study wisdom in the Bible and see how numbering our days leads to wisdom. I’m not sure exactly what that will entail yet, but I’m excited to find out.

I’m not at all advocating a works mentality. We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus (Eph 2:10). He created us (Gen 1:27), He knows the plans he has for us (Jer 29:11), and the good works He started in us He will bring to completion (Phil 1:6). I’ll keep my eye out for activities that support the life God is calling him to. Interests and activities are always evolving, and I’ll keep seeking God’s guidance.

What verse is God speaking to you about your life or your child’s life? In reading this, do you sense a tug on your heart to number your days better? Pray about it and see how God might want you to use your time for His glory. Afterall, this is time He has give us so let’s use it wisely.

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